Saturday, May 31, 2008


The educated classes which comprise the brahmins and other upper castes feel that their interests are safe under the bharatiya janata party.Such a desperate search and passionate zeal as is evidenced by these classes in their backing for the bjp cannot be seen even among the classes which have been deprived of educational opportunities and dignity through the centuries.

The educated classes are not being deprived of their right to education or of the right to practice their religion.Inspite of any such move to disenfranchise or dispossess the educated upper classes ,their strident support of the bjp has resorted to misinformation which makes it appear like something of the sort has been initiated.
The educated classes are frantically searching for some cause which gives them a chance to mobilise.They have converted the reservation issue into one such cause.
Gautama buddha,basava,guru nanak and many others have made attempts to break the fantasy of caste superiority and the hold of the ritual.While Buddha and Nanak s teachings have evolved into different religions,basavas followers could not reach out to the vokkaligas and in their quest for regional power have joined forces with the representatives of the ritual.
The fight has been going on for 2500 years and not 60 years.The last 60 years have seen direct action instead of spiritual or philosophical actions.The representatives of the ritual and the educated classes are not able to come to terms with this.
Even after 2500 years ,we are nowhere near getting rid of the mumbojumbo of the ritual.
The chorus "Even after 60 years.........." is a self serving joke.

Friday, May 23, 2008


A fierce war has been going on in our immediate neighbourhood and there does not seem to be any way that it can be halted.A tragic incident has resulted in 17 civilians losing their lives.

A solution could be an alternate president from each of the two areas.


The left has been the only consistent opposition to the nuclear deal.

It has performed the role of the opposition and has reinforced itself as the only intelligent formation that can offer issue based and intelligent opposition.

The left needs to embark on an imaginative enrolment drive which can bring the youth into its fold.

It has to overcome an image of intellectualism and one of the seventies.

It has to acquire the image of a twenty first century party.

The hindutva elements are at present engaged in the make believe game of

labelling the left.

The bjp has no leader with the calibre to enter into an intelligent debate.It specialises in the

politics of namecalling and its cadre are sad imitations of the leadership.

The various doubts and questions that arise vindicate the lefts stand of asking the government

to be patient on the deal.

Lalit Kumar Mehta

It was Shankar guha niyogi in the eighties and today it is Lalit kumar Mehta.They have been at the epicentre of the fights of their times.They have sacrificed themselves and have helped society to change direction through their sacrifices.The established order s last stand resulted in their deaths.The government has not been able to summon the initiative to avert these two tragedies as it has the backers of the established forces also represented.The tragedy is in the fact that lalit kumar mehta was alone when he was killed,when he was involved in the real reform and the real fight for the real democracy.He has drawn attention of the rest of the country to the real issues by working where it mattered the most.

The pitfalls of religion

The abuse of the gifts of comprehension that nature has bestowed on us continues with the neat segmentation of humanity into followers of this book or that book.People who are not imprisoned by any particular book seem to be the ones that are living a life of peaceful co habitation.The religions of the books are always engaged in spoiling the peace that exists among these people by proselytizing in these areas.The fight over the supremacy of these books is interlinked to the cultures which produced these books.It is due to the need to establish the superiority of one race or class over another so that the economic domination that is enjoyed by that particular race or class continues.The search for newer economic activities is accompanied by the endeavours to spread the books around.

Religion would have come to the rescue of mankind if it had helped in developing a devotion and a simplicity.The books have instead been aiding mankind to fight it out.If a tradition is helping its followers to be satisfied with the great gift that life itself is, it can be said to be the traditions that are not bound within one book.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Karnataka will get a new government,if it is stable it will be a sigh of relief by the people.
The Congress has a number of experienced and popular leaders.Mallikarjun Kharge might be a frontrunner if the congress manages a majority.
The Bjp faces a dearth of experience.
It is a surprise that the JD(S) is not among the contenders as it has the youngest chief ministerial candidate.


The bjp has turned its supporters into nervous wrecks by harping on the issue of centuries of enslavement.It is totally reprehensible that the bjp is engaged in an endeavour to make the hindus lose their composure and confidence.The constant focussing on the muslims has made the hindus feel increasingly agitated about the past.There is a feeling in some quarters that the muslim rule was marked by attempts to convert the population to islam by brute force.
The rulers could be said to have been employed by the people to provide them security and an enforcement of the laws.It was similar to a company,the perks for the ceo was in the riches at his disposal. The salaries of the ceos would have been extraordinary,even greater than the salaries of today, but the real perks were in the lifestyles.
There were hostile takeovers of the company by multinational companies ,first from the west,and then from britain.These companies brought in superior technology,in certain instances, and different methods of governance.
Some of these ceos were interested in instilling their personal beliefs on the shareholders, the people. Some would have tried to reduce the dividends to the people,by increasing the taxes.
A few tried to split the people,favouring those that shared in the religious beliefs of the ceo.All of these attempts were unsustainable.The people would not have been able to digest this and would have associated under one or the other homegrown directors of the company .The ceo would have been attempted to be overthrown .Some of the later ceos,the british ones,resorted to a policy of dividing the shareholders to be able to continue with their corruption.The rulers were always faced with the possibility of violent upheavals if their administration was not upto the mark.The risk of brigands was an everpresent one,the ceos risked losing their lives if they were not sufficiently prepared.
It was the people who held the power,the people were the source of the riches of the ceos.Some arrogant ceos realised the futility of interfering in the lives of the shareholders, as such attempts would have resulted in the companys bottomline getting affected. Some of the ceos were least bothered about the welfare of the shareholders whereas some others were exceptionally involved with the lives of the people. Some ceos diverted the revenues of the company to their overseas companies in their lands of origin,which finally resulted in the shareholders deciding to take over the administration of the company.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bharatiya junk party

The bharatiya janata party is unwholesome.
An issue which has ramifications for the situation in jammu and kashmir has been reduced to one of jingoism.The battle to win the hearts of the people and to defeat the militants has been waged for almost two decades now.The people have been won over by the patient approach of the governments and the army.
At this point,the execution of afzal would be the life breath that the forces of intractability and militancy are gasping for.The home minister has to resolve the issue and he has decided to take the decision to the people.The bharatiya janata party deserves condemnation for its unholy attitude to matters of far reaching significance.

Arnab Goswami on times now made the clever deduction that it could have been a planned release to the media,but for what,that is the awesome part,for the votebank in tomorrows phase of the karnataka elections.The raucous misinformation of the bjp has spread to the tv channels.

The judicial analysis as also the moral one has been done by Praful Bidwai.

A brahmin hero

Some sections of the youth have come under the influence of the bharatiya janata party and have started believing that indians are cowards.
one youth on one forum asked the question whether we are hijras.
that question reveals the extent to which the youth are misinformed about the manner in which
indians of the earlier centuries fought against various forms of aggression.
the antics of the bharatiya janata party are consistently adding to the list of the misinformed and the misguided youth.
these youth are being led to believe that the hindus do not know how to organise resistance when necessary.
The frustration at this misinformation is being tuned to a higher pitch in the runup to the elections.
Since the brahmins seem to be in the forefront of those espousing the bharatiya janata party,it is
apt to remind them that heroes do not write letters of apology and we have had a great number of them over the centuries.


In a democracy,respect for the opinions and the viewpoints of others is paramount.The laws are the boundaries within which the game has to be played.Sections which are worried about the loss of their culture or heritage have all rights to associate and rally their supporters.The government is not involved in trampling over any particular ideology or culture.If one group believes that its culture and heritage are the oldest and hence a predominance and a pride of place have to be given to its culture,it is a spanner in the works in the making.The group has all rights to engage in an attempt to prevent its culture from withering.If the group is not able to achieve its objectives,the culture starts withering away.It is a loss of the leadership of the culture.If this loss is attempted to be explained away by portraying other cultures as villains,the end of democracy is in sight.
Looking at our massive democracy,the diversities are extraordinary.The predominant culture was felt to be losing to other religions which are supposed to receive funding from abroad.The people coming under the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe labels were felt to be targeted by other religions.The normal response should have been an attempt to remove the feeling from the minds of the people of these communities that they were not a part of the mainstream.The feeling that conversion to these religions would result in an easy identification with the mainstream should have been addressed.These communities should have been made to feel a part of the mainstream.In the absence of initiatives of the religious leaders,the government embarked upon action to address their lack of representation.Instead of building upon this,the brahmins have been making attempts to inculcate their mode of religion upon these people and develop an artificial similarity.Social rejuvenation should have a positive outcome.
These are exactly similar to the attempts of the other religions that are trying to convert.
The initiative should involve the participation of every caste and class.The initiative should come from an organisation which has the trust of every caste and class.The initiative should go into every aspect of the religious practices of every caste and class.saivism and vaishnavism can be seen to be the beginning and the end points of such an endeavour.The present attempt to turn an unease with the muslim legacy into a hatred of the muslims and thus attempt a consolidation of the so called hinduism are not bound to last.It all comes down to the brahmins stepping down from their artificially created pedestals and broadbasing hinduism.Alternatively,the brahmins can turn themselves into a minority and can claim all the privileges that are due to a minority.
The achievements and the contributions of vast numbers of brahmin visionaries have been sidelined and the likes of savarkar are sought to be raised to iconic status.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Youth and their mistaken beliefs

Some of the young minds inhabiting the internet have fallen hook,line and sinker for the propaganda of the bjp.
These young minds might be suffering from a malaise which might be called noninformation disorder or fantasticfantasy disorder.
These young minds have been led to believe that the congress party is soft on terrorism as it does not want to antagonize its muslim votebank.
It is a totally laughable premise which seems to take for granted that certain sections of the populace will never vote come what may.
It is obvious that the muslims are concentrated in a few states and in other states in a few constituencies.
How can a party which is the oldest party and has membership from every strata of society
and every corner of the country be taken to be concerned with just one segment of the population.
There is an universal franchise in the country and any citizen can utilise it without any fear in any part of the country.
These sections probably believe that some percentage of the hindus are dumb to the extent that they will never turn up to vote.
If that is a foregone conclusion,then the premise that the congress is soft on terrorism on account of its vote bank is true.
The population of india is made up of 80 % hindus with the muslims making up 15 %.
The supporters of the bjp,in their various antics to whip up support of the various times,
need to portray the hindu population as dumb and cowardly.
It is certainly not a healthy state of affairs.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Point Of No Return

As the war continues in sri lanka with increasing ferocity and casualties,it is looking like both the sides have decided to fight it out till the very end.This decision must have been taken once both sides realised that there is no room for dialogue and the goals of both the sides are irreconcilable.This has arisen from the actions of the majority community in attempting to steamroller the minority community and its interests.Once the brute force of the majority exerts itself over a point,a segment of the minority is driven to take action in retaliation.The scars that have caused this segment to retaliate are not easy to heal.Other segments of the populations are not in the same mindset and have different desires at different points of time.It is the segment that retaliates that represents the direct outcome of the actions of the majority.
Dr jayaprakash narayan speaking on loksabha tv said that is surprising that larger numbers do not take up arms as a result of the situation prevailing in our police stations.
The bjp thought that the best way to rally hindus was by attacking and demolishing a 500 year old mosque.It gave little attention to the effect of its actions on the muslims.
Were the muslims expected to empathise with the frustration of the hindus and their need to take it out by demolishing a defunct mosque.Were the muslims expected to cower and resolve to live a second class life as their forebears had committed many excesses.
Or were the muslims expected to feel good at these developments as an expiation of the excesses committed by the muslim rulers of the past.A segment of the muslims probably resolved to turn the situation back to the days when they ruled over the subcontinent.
This segment received more inputs to its membership when the bjp government in gujarat decided to emulate the action of a mob which committed a crime.The government bravely decided that it could outdo criminals in their criminal actions.The chief minister made a decision that he would temporarily forget his oath taken with the bhagavad gita as witness.The urge to ape the criminals made the chief minister forget that he had taken an oath witnessed by the public.
The srilankan government and the peoples are reaping the harvest of the earlier actions of the governments in the past.The indian government and people are faced with the additional burden of a section of the population that has still not realised the outputs of its actions.
If we set out to rectify history,the number of states will turn into a number of countries.

The new divisions within the so called hinduism

The hindus who support the communists,the congress,the dmk and the sp are also hindus as is defined in the law.
When the BJP and its allied organisations say that they are fighting to save the hindu religion,does it mean the beginnings of a civil war among the hindus?
Some blogs and the comments on are witness to the peculiar behaviour of a section of the hindus who try to label people with hindu names as xtian,talibani and maoist .
These sections of the hindus also label these people as self hating hindus.
On a closer look,one begins to make out a trend that goes into the divide.
The names give a hint,some come with shortened names to counter this trend.
A hint of a divide can be made out.
There is the makings of a divide though,when the supporters of one party proclaim themselves to be saving hinduism when there are more numbers of hindus supporting the other parties.
The ram sethu issue has been raked up to overcome this divide but it will end up creating sharper divides and accentuating the real historical divides.
The inference that has slowly started showing itself up is that the bjp is a party of people who are playing around with hinduism at will with no larger purpose other than getting a grip on power.
The ultimate aim seems to be to sustain the fantasies of sections of one community and one class.
Even these classes have started to realise the gameplan of the bjp.
The lack of an alternative political party or formation has been resulting in the bjp getting the occasional chance at government.


Sunday, May 18, 2008


The Political scene in our country consists mostly of leaders who do their utmostto get into government.A person aspiring for a career in politics can join one of the various parties or can contest as an independent candidate.There is a good salary and a pension and the other benefits continue even after demitting office.The laws should be made to allow a person only two continuous terms in any elected officeA third continuous term should not be allowed.After the gap,a fresh two continuous terms should be allowed.These things come to mind after looking at the harmful consequences that willbe effected on the country by an opposition that is desperate to get into power.
The janata party government would have continued were it not for the inability of advani,vajpayee and others of the jana sangh to relinquish their membershipof the rss.If these people had considered the nation to be bigger than their membership of the rss,a better two party system would have evolved over time.These same people are now pretending to be supreme nationalists.When the need was the most,they could not set aside their membership of the rss for the larger national cause.The lok satta party started by dr jayaprakash narayan has emerged as a pioneeron the way to begin and run a political party.
Advani and vajpayee were bested in their game of political mobilisationby vp singh in the late nineties,through the implementation of long needed reservations.The only thing that was not going for the bjp was its plan of creating a hindu bloc of votes.The requirement for reservation was genuine and it was a move in the right direction towards making the hindu religion egalitarian.If the bjp had really wanted hindu unity,it would have applauded vp singh for implementing the mandal commission report and a grand coalition would have been developed.It would have tried to convince its upper class backers that the time for sharing the pie and shedding the charade of superiority had come.That would have been their passport to greatness.That could have been possible if they genuinely supported the recommendations of the mandal commisssion.But the Advanis,vajpayees and the rss had other things in mind.The opportunity to develop an alternative to the congress was again lost due tothe secret ambitions and motives of the bharatiya janata party,or atleast the urge to rule the country singlehandedly.
It was only in the late nineties,the third time around,that the people from the rss realised that they had to let go of their fantasies to get to continue and finish a term in office.
A person aspiring to get into politics,when faced with a heavyweight from the congress has always had atleast one or two parties to choose from.The people that select the bjp are mostly those that have felt a need to continue the status quo of caste and religion.A person with progressive ideas and an open mind will find the indian national congress to be the ideal party.The openness and the freshness in the congress cannot be matched by any other party.There is no baggage of ideology which acts as an albatross.There is no hidden agenda which has the capacity to reduce the membersinto a jarring shrillness.
The only problem that could arise in this scenario is the lack of space for newer candidates in each constituency.The BJP in its quest to be in power has developed into a party which cannot take a long term view of the effects of its sophistry.It is amazing that this party has started pretending that it is the best choice for the nation when in the past it has been unable to make the necessary compromises in the nations best interests.The party does not realise the need to develop harmony in society,all it can think about is power and the shortest way to achieving it.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

lok sabha tv had a refreshing programme where dr jayaprakash narayan was interviewed by suresh prabhu.
the lok satta party is what all the youth who are not satisfied with the congress need to consider.
dr narayan spoke about the limitations of politics and about the need to bring decency into politics.
that is what the country needs badly,a relief from the bjps politics of focussing on individuals and an addiction to raking up petty conspiracies.
dr narayan said that his party has a membership of half a million.
that is what honesty and decency can and will achieve.
there are various achievements of the loksatta organisation ever since it came into the public domain as a whiff of hope to the cynical indian.

The fanatic upper caste and the fanatic muslim

A section of the brahmin community and the so called upper castes is feeling uprooted and is at pains to depict the political process as being dominated by people with ulterior motives.These sections have a phobia of muslims and have been trying to spread this phobia around to the rest of the population.This is casteist behaviour at its worst.
Every positive and forward move is labelled as being vote bank politics.The targets are the champions of social justice.The vast majority of the people who come under the hindu label have no phobia of the muslims and are well organised into subgroups or clans which have been given the caste nomenclature.Various groups of people existed in different areas and had group names consistent with their activities and environments.The atrocious attempt to introduce a hierarchy and a superiority stems from the brahmin texts.
The brahmin rituals are mumbo jumbo to the vast majority of the people who come under the hindu label.A third religion other than saivism and vaishnavism called brahminism might be said to exist although vaishnavism has much in common with brahminism.
saivism is the original religion which was later subsumed by brahminism.Saivism broke out of these attempts to introduce ritual and mumbo jumbo.The attempts still continue to shroud saivism with the unintelligible mantras and the fantastic stories.saivism has constantly taken itself to the people where it originated and where it belongs.
The last stand of these sections has been the attempt to reduce the vast majority of the people who come under the hindu label to insecurity and inferiority.The brahmins do not relate to the fight of the people at every point in history against injustice and tyranny.The people have fought whenever unjust taxes were sought to be levied by the muslim rulers or the british.The hindus and the muslims have fought together against the british;the british in most cases had the support of one or the other hindu ruler.
The attempt of these sections of the brahmins to vitiate every development in the country poses the biggest danger alongwith the fanaticism of a section of the muslims.Both of these groups are removed from the people and place all reliance on the religious texts.Both of these groups do not have a grounding and are hopelessly labouring undera false supremacy.Both of these groups are longing for an imaginary grandeur of the past forgetting that the people are the real rulers and the real movers.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

subramaniam swamy

this song is dedicated to the deperate subramaniam swamy and his cohorts and co travellers.

every effort is made by these educated folk to twist reality and implement a system which borrowed from antiquity and then resorted to fantastic numbers like 84,00,000 to turn everything upon its head.
the desperation of these actions stems from a reluctance to understand the real nature of religion,which does not confer a special status on anyone.
the desperado that is subramaniam swamy is now trying his best to sabotage the sethu project.
Through such actions in these days of democracy,one gets a hint of the extent to which these forces stooped to achieve a false supremacy.
These very forces strove to defeat reservation at every juncture.
The latter religions are unable to exist at peace with the older ones.
The aryan religions have systematically poached upon the dravidian religion and have tried to proclaim a false superiority .
Christianity had to vanquish the pagan religions.
Islam is at odds with christianity.
If one develops a genuine new way of union and appreciation of god,the last thing on ones mind will be an intention to prove that the older way is false or wrong.
It is only when these newer ways start to aggressively market their newer methods does friction develop.
the aryan religions have been at it for millennia upto the present sethusamudhram canal disruptions.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


vijay mallya cries in public and the actors and actresses feel that they have to arouse interest by their presence and antics.
vijay mallya should realise that losing every single match is also a possibility in sport and there are ways to address it in a professional manner.
shahrukh and preity deem it necessary to be out gesticulating whenever there is a turnaround in the match.
sport is bigger than these personalities who are probably new to it though mallya has had some connection with racing in his younger days.

Liar Liar

LK Advani is the worst role model that any aspiring politician can have.
The kindest explanation of his behaviour can be that he has never recovered from his formative experiences during the partition.
Even that stand will not stand for long if one looks at his actions thoroughly.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


kalaignar has made two statesmanly interventions in the last month.
he took the wind out of the sails of the yeddyurappas in the hogenakkal issue leaving commentators like cho joining the predictable chorus of kalaignar having betrayed the tamils.
the most crucial wise words from kalaignar were about the infighting in the eelam ranks.
it was something which was needed for a long time,a call to the eelam tamil organisations to
start acting differently.
the grip of violence on the mind leaves no space for a middle and balanced approach.
the votaries of subhash chandra bose and bhagat singh commit the grave mistake of diminishing the superhuman achievement of mahatma gandhi.
bose and bhagat singh were supreme heroes who continue to inspire the youth.

the wall that was demolished in usilampatti could not have been allowed to exist.
that would have meant a negation of all of the achievements of the last 100 years.
the vaishnavites who introduced the four grades concept into the dravidian land and the brahmins who act as the torchbearers of vaishnavite thinking find it easy to portray these episodes as the oppression of the caste hindus.
"it is not we that are fighting them".
the problems arise from two communities coexisting from long,but the equations getting equal of late.