Tuesday, March 14, 2017

How to stop youth from falling in love(ideas for "upper castes")

For a man, the creative necessity is to independently attract a woman. This creative necessity is satisified by arranged marriage in a situation where a man has achieved through education or enterprise and is therefore able to get the hand of a woman from the same community. Here, the man is satisfied. If the arranged marriage is just because of the inherited status, the man is not satisfied and looks for other women outside of marriage.

For a woman, the creative necessity is to have independence in running the household and being able to enhance the financial security of the household through good administration and decision-making. This creative necessity is mostly satisfied in arranged marriage when a woman is able to play an active role in the decision making. If the arranged marriage is between established agricultural households, the woman is not satisfied as the status of an agricultural landlord is equivalent to a domination by the men, both of the labour force and the women in the house. To avoid such a situation, the woman will be naturally inclined towards a simple man where she can creatively contribute to the development of a household from scratch.

Hence, if the agriculturally prosperous people want to keep their women within their communities, they have to get down from the elevated position of controlling the labour force. They have to get the simplicity of being a dignified worker themselves. They also need to gain the education and the exposure to modern technologies. Then, there will be no inclination for the women to find emotional resonance in the simple and working classes, wherein there is scope for creative participation in the running of a family.

Preventing all of this is the manusmriti and the brahmin. The brahmin wrecks everything with their texts, rituals and religion. The brahmin is a curse on society.

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