Sunday, May 24, 2009


the eelam issue should be brought to a quick resolution by getting a campaign initiated which mobilises the entire tamil diaspora.

the fundamental fight has been waged.

the stand has been made.

the supreme hero has stood tall and firm.

the sinhalese had to kill the citizens of eelam in a desperate attempt to stave off the imminent.

this situation has been created by the sacrifices of the eelam army,the sinhalese had to fight to use the chance.if they are able to immediately allow the citizens to go back to their respective places and if they are able to allow aid agencies to freely operate starting next week,then,they have some chance of getting the world to believe that the war is over.

if there are any reports of any screening of civilians ,that is the end of the sri lanka of today.

there cannot be any more logic in screening civilians after celebrating the end of the war.

who created the country of sri lanka?

it was a sinhalese majority which initiated these acts after independence in 1948.

will mahinda rajapakse stand up and state that the country of sri lanka existed from time immemorial and which was later populated by the tamils?

any sane person will realise that the reverse is true.

this fact of history is at the heart of the sinhalese disquiet and attempt to dominate and descent into crime.

this leads one to the issue of newer peoples and their attempts to create cultures which give a stamp of separateness.

one of the oldest nations on earth is now fighting for its survival,the fight has been brought about by the insecurities of newer peoples.

the human race has evolved over the centuries from a small area.people moving into newer areas will inevitably try to dominate,at least make attempts to dominate,otherwise,the reverse might happen.

these attempts to dominate were successful in america and australia.

in india,the newer peoples have always been assimilated,with very rare attempts having been made by them to dominate the older peoples by force.

the accident of this happening in sri lanka was possible because of it being an island and because of the disproportionate multiplication of the sinhalese over the centuries and the dramatic gaining of power in 1948.

the sinhalese have committed crimes in their fear of losing what they have gained.

they have forgotten that if they can work themselves into such patriotic zeal,the tamils have equal rights to engage in the same.

the sinhalese zealots have stated the numbers of the forces that they have lost,if they had a quest for the truth,they would have stated the numbers of civilians that lost their lives.

the tamil diaspora should realise that the case has been made for the creation of tamil eelam by the unwise acts of the sinhalese establishment which were taken to their logical conclusion by the supreme hero.

the conclusion was scripted by the supreme hero,he might have lived to talk about it,it is time now for a closing of the ranks of all tamils worldwide and bring forward the creation of eelam.

the case is the simplest of cases with all the arguments having been made by history and the resoluteness of the supreme hero to achieve it.

it is human nature,fear and folly that has caused this tragedy.

the nations of eelam and sri lanka should be allowed to move on and co exist peacefully.

the pain of a tortured people has to be healed,the brutality of the perpetrators of the pain should be forgiven and forgotten.

the victims will not be forgotten,the eelam army has fought for that.

1 comment:

Philip said...

good riddance to LTTE and Prabhakaran. Now hope the Tamils and Sinhalese would work towards a new beginning.