Saturday, October 27, 2012

Are there lessons that the Taliban can learn from the Tamils

Question to Taliban--Did The Aliens Ask You to Follow Their Calendar

Facts of the Tamils--The Aliens Have Made Us To Follow Their Calendar

Question to Taliban--Did The Aliens Ask You To Worship George Bush As A God

Facts of the Tamils--The Aliens Have Fooled Us Into Believing That Rama Is A God

Question To Taliban--Have The Aliens Got You To Worship Their Ally, Tony Blair, As A God.

Facts of the Tamils--The Aliens Have Fooled Us Into Believing That Their Ally, Hanuman, Is A God.

Question To Taliban--Have The Aliens Got You To Worship Any Animals

Facts of the Tamils--The Aliens Have Fooled Us Into Worshipping An Elephant.

Question To Taliban--Did The Aliens Ask You To Celebrate Your Defeat

Facts of the Tamils---The Aliens Have Got Us To Celebrate Diwali

In all cases, the Taliban have never got it as bad as the Tamils have.

The Taliban must get into democracy if they really believe in their cause.

They must look at the way their elder cousins have been handling the activities of the common distant cousins.

Both the Taliban and the Tamils have tormentors of European origin.

Where the Taliban faltered is in their treatment of their womenfolk and in making enemies all over the world.

There is no excuse for ill-treating women. A smaller crime of the Taliban was in not recognizing the rules of diplomacy and the protocol of interaction with foreign countries. If you want to antagonize people everywhere, you must only do it by being able to handle the resulting wars. If you do not have the ability, and you are in control of your territory, getting into trouble with foreign powers is to seek destruction.

Learning from the Tamils, the Taliban must get into democracy, and realise that there is no living being or creature on Earth that seeks to subjugate the feminine of its species. That was inhuman behaviour.

The Taliban must learn from the Tamils, and stop destroying the lives of their people.

Look at us, we have been ravaged, wrecked, fooled, dehumanised, and yet we battle with the strength of our beliefs.

We did take up the gun in Sri Lanka. There, we were being forcefully stripped of our culture and our rights.  In the land called Tamilnadu, where there is no question of any aggression on us, we have been cheated, fooled, defiled by the alien, using its guile. but, taking up the gun is indeed a laughable option, as we are living in our land, and to be fighting in one's own land, should be done only when there is an attempt by the outsider to brutally enforce its religion and way of life.

You, the Taliban are not facing any of that. Hence, to be fighting is an unpardonable crime against your own people.

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