Sunday, March 20, 2022

The wars of the world for resources are all wasteful now, and not required at all

 There was a time when there were wars fought over resources, in the years following the discovery of oil, with the more recent ones being the invasions of Iraq and the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. But, these days, though there is much talk about rare earth metals and all of the ingredients required for batteries, there is so much rapid change taking place that no resource can be said to be paramount or irreplaceable.

So, can Humanity settle down finally, to a peaceful era, with Information being the only resource that is essential and it is abundant, with more and more coming through, almost at exponential speed.

Here too, there seems to be a problem, with fake information starting to become a virus that impacts the final sweet showers of information that have been raining down for about a decade and more.

The creators and purveyors of fake news do so in order to get a controlling grip on the minds of the target audience.

So, now, we have people who look to grab people's minds and the people themselves as resources for themselves.

Why would someone want lots of people to become their resources?

Looks like now, there are people who want people and correspondingly lands under their control.

Who are the entities engaged in the spread of fake news?

It is the White supremacists of the USA and the Brahminic supremacists of India.

While White supremacy as was seen in action through American Foreign Policy has been brought to a total halt with Russia's repelling of its slow takeover of Ukraine, Brahminic supremacism seen in India is at the maximum-purveyance of Fake News in the form of WhatsApp videos being distributed on a hourly basis to Millions of innocent Hindus.

Pro-Western media are also spreading Fake news on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, feeding a torrent of fake news to the innocent people of the West, who had no idea of what this invasion was all about, and what were the series of actions by the West that brought about this war.

As the world moves towards an abundance of information, this proclivity to spread fake news by the supposedly-truthful western media and its amplification by the Western social media, and the Brahminic Fundamentalists of India pose the real and only obstacle to ushering in a world of abundant and everlasting information that will create the perfect world and the perfect outcome for the human species.

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