Sunday, August 7, 2022

Living in a diverse society, such as Tamilnadu

 When you have to mingle with people of very varied backgrounds, the only way to achieve the best situation is to remember that people have greatly-diverse journeys to reach where they are, in the form of previous generations' situations and what they went through in finding home where they live at present. It could be a vastly diverse society or one where there are some substantial majorities, and a mix of many small minority groups. You have to respect that each of these groups have very sweet and sometimes sour memories in their histories. So, at any moment in the social interaction and maybe social struggle for maintaining a livelihood or maintaining a status in society, it is always crucial to think of the journey that the other person has made and how fruitful life will be for them when they are able to do well in society. Sometimes, they might even become much more successful, but always remember that their achievement flows from the journey their previous generations had made, and as a result, it will be of great learning to just observe and understand the story of success. And eventually, every journey, no matter whether it has been made physically, or in the form of lived experience, will offer a reward in terms of learning, maturity, wisdom, all of which are passed on to the next generations. So, to experience a situation where some other community is doing very well, the most important thing is to learn how their journey had made them capable of success, and to make sure that one's journey of learning and progress continues, by overcoming the uncertainties that might arise in the minds. Uncertainty is always a way to discover new ideas and new inspiration. It is New and it will do great good in opening minds to newer thoughts.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Mother Nature or Father Nature-Are we living inside the body of their creation?

 One person will have thoughts revolving around one thing or topic.

Many persons will have many thoughts revolving around many things or topics.

So, the bigger the population gets, the more there will be developments, in more and more fields.

Until, one fine day, there will be a moment of great revelation.

And then, all the people who ever lived will probably be found out to have sprung forth from a single being or two beings.

Now, the question is where did those two or one being come from?

Did two beings come up, as many epics and religions speak, such as Earth and Sky?

There are two kinds of thoughts; one that is patient and is probably good. Another that is impatient and probably bad.

There could be two forces such as gravity and anti-gravity, pull and push.

Likewise, there could be two forces that are always acting differently, and when at some point they are equally matched, then they come together, in creation.

Once creation happens, the two forces split up and one pulls while the other pushes.

Within the bodies of living things, this creative breath seems to have entered, but there is not too much of the supply.

So, there is a short span of a lifetime. 

The wisest ones live longer such as the tortoises and the whales and the elephants and the humans.

So, what should one do when one has got this unique breath of creation within oneself.

It looks probable that one must try and connect with that moment of creation when two forces came together and creation took place.

To do so, of course, we would need to get all the living things in harmonious existence as that would bring together a collection/accumulation of all the life force, focused on a single thought of uniting with and in that moment of creation when both forces were in perfect balance.

Could just a few of the living things/human beings get together and achieve all of this?

How would that be possible, as all the expenditure of energy and the sharing of the life force in all these life forms represented an endeavor of the creative spirit to arrive at an unifying solution.

Or it could just be that everything is just bound to happen in a pre-destined way!

And the good deeds and the good thoughts/ the useful thoughts and the unique thoughts could then be used in creating more of a creative spirit/more stronger life force when the next evolution/creation takes place.

Either way!

The World is Perfect/ The World is Magic. The World is Bliss. The World is Fun. The World is having surprises. The World is having shocks. The World is Life.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Time for a new religion

 1-Living as a human being is about learning, and the highest learning is about how to keep yourself under control in all situations. That means there is no situation where you must lose your self-control and do things that you would not normally do. If you are hit or attacked physically, the normal reaction is to hit or attack back. But, if you are attacked verbally, it is not a normal reaction to retaliate. Just observe what the other person is doing and learn from it. learn about the other person's thinking and of course, if you are doing the verbal attack, you are telling the other person your thinking in this manner because you have not been able to tell it in a normal conversation.

GIST- Never respond back to a verbal attack/assault. Allow the other person to let off their emotion.

2-Never overdo any intoxicant. Use it at infrequent intervals to get some other perspective or to just take a break from your routine life. Never pick up a fight or an argument with an intoxicated person

An intoxicated person must never be attacked by either a single or a group of non-intoxicated people

3-If there is a God, it will want people to be the best, not be the worst such as painting other people with a wrong image or trying to prevent real information to spread

4-Everything that has ever been done in this world is a collective result and not a particular community or person's sole performance.

5-Never be ashamed that you are not having money, enough money, enough knowledge, or enough materials or never be proud that you are having those things. Whatever you want to get, you can work for it and get it. That is why you have life. If you are being prevented from doing it, it must be the work of some pathetic being that wants to monopolise these things. So, you need to be sad for that being which is pathetic to the extent that it seeks to monopolise things, which is the worst behaviour possible by any being living on this planet.

6-Resources are for all to use and benefit from. To attack anyone for resources is the lowest action possible by a human being. That will signify that the human being wants to revert away from the human being and towards the other beings on the planet. Any plea of being denied resources must always be the first to be attended to by every responsible component of society as it is at the very core of human existence.

7-To attack another human being will happen only when someone feels that a situation cannot be addressed by any other manner. But, the essence of human existence is that any situation can be resolved over discussion or in a calm manner. That is why human beings have evolved speech and language. There is no situation that can be said to be necessitating the use of force. Wrong cannot become right just because it has occurred. At the same time, Right does not allow for the use of force to justify itself.  Every act done will get a result reflected. Every feeling that is injured will resolve itself. Attacking physically is to intrude in the natural effects of all actions.

It is forbidden to physically attack/injure another human being, in any situation, for any reason. Most importantly, it is inexcusable for a group of people to attack a single person or a lower number of people. One-on-one duels can be set up as a last resort.

8-With regard to marriage, it must never be interfered with when love blossoms between a man and a woman, for that is the greatest force of nature which leads to the creation of new life. There is no reason to object when both of the partners prefer each other that can be bigger than the force of love. It should be firmly established that both the partners are committing themselves to each other in the most surest conviction to create a lifelong nucleus that is the smallest unit of  creation in the world. Any feeling of hurt on the people in the girl's side must be overcome with the thought that nature is always going to be the best guardian of all such units of creation. Some times, when the boy and the girl are from different cultures, there is a felling of loss on either side. So, the best way out is to ensure that everybody understands every other culture.

If the goal of life is to form a network of connected harmonious beings, every spark between a man and a woman represents the formation of a networking node/bridge that will lead to further new connections. Those trying to beak up this node and the corresponding new connections are acting contrary to the creation of a network. In the same manner, those not putting in their best efforts to maintain a connection end up breaking up the forged connections.

Women are the creators of life. They are at the highest level of human existence. Women must be respected as similar to Mother Nature. They are to be considered as the personification of creation.

9-To develop an understanding of every other culture, people must be encouraged to look into the books and literature of all peoples of the Earth, and those who read and then write about different cultures can be said to be the very important persons of this planet, and not those who have accumulated any amount of wealth.

10-With regard to money, it must always be distributed. No one should be in need of money, given they have a genuine reason for the same. It must be the aim and motive of every being to ensure that no one is in need of money nor does any one misuse the money received from society. Such people who misuse wantonly must be asked to do some service for the society while those who use the money and benefit from it must be asked to return it with some added amount as is possible by them, into the common coffers.

11-No grievance of losing out economically to another person on account of competition must be allowed to develop into one that brings about the consideration of a physical attack on the competitor. Such situations are the challenges that must be faced in the realm of life and must be considered as ideal test grounds to develop and achieve through the harnessing of will power, imagination and conviction.

12-It is the worst possible and unthinkable as well as unjustifiable thing to blame others for what one is going through. Each person is responsible for himself or herself. 

13- To attack/beat or in any other way to injure a fellow human being is the absolute worst thing that can be done and is a disintegration of the existence of the person forever!

14-When a person dies, he goes into a rearrangement of the bodily arrangement into other types of bodies while memories are used as a foundation for next higher level of existence or lower level of existence

15- The world is an unimaginably large space which is totally beyond any kind of creative or destructive requirement. It is reality, and everything is made up of that reality. It is a principle that can never be understood by most people but animals will be having the understanding. To connect with it happens when a person dies or when a person is able to understand it through continuous efforts

16-When one connects with that reality when alive, it is possible to continue in the same existence for as long as one wishes and is in complete control of the condition of their bodies and minds

17-When a person dies, they connect with and understand the Reality, and then are taken into any of different innumerable worlds to continue enjoying an existence that offers great new experiences

18-Aaseevagam, Buddhism and Jainism in that order have the answers most closest to the Reality

19- As the memories are always indestructible, people have the choice to continue existing with their erstwhile forebears. They can even choose to go back to their previous lives and relive it all over again / Whatever they wish to do or is given them to do, they will always link up with the original forebears after completing their existences in new worlds

20- The question of being disappointed or being unjust or cruel in newer or older or any existence, therefore does not ever arise, if one is aware that there is only one Reality and they are a part of it

21-There are many who go beyond this understanding of Reality and start existing focusing and being ensconced firmly and absolutely in their Reality of their existence. These are the ones who live their lives in a different level of identity but at the same time will have to face to the situations that force them to realise the finite nature of this reality, leading to some amount of distress that it is not permanent. For these people, to encounter the Real Reality after they die will be a moment of great joy when they understand that they are actually existent forever

22-When everything exists forever, what is the point in squabbling or fighting for just the temporary riches or minute grievances or complaints? Why to interrupt or disturb others who are existing alongwith in the temporary Reality? Why would one want to go against the bigger Reality? Why would one have even the slightest reason to think of another person in a negative way?

23-As the Real Reality always beckons and people cannot go anywhere out of that real Reality, there is no reason to either get sad about missed pleasures in the form of not getting a desire fulfilled or pain inflicted even if it is seen to have occurred die to other people

24-The temporary reality offers many experiences which are endless in both quality and quantity. There is no one single important experience to be craving for it or to be despondent for it or to feel that something is the height of it

25-Imagine the endless experiences of the endless worlds and the endless existence that you share with endless life forms, then, now and forever! Make sense, achieve order, take it easy! The real Reality can get disturbed and turn off the temporary reality or reboot at any time!

26- The most avoidable and absolutely unnecessary feeling is jealousy. Some among a small or large group will always gain more and possibly immense wealth. One has to be happy for the one who has gained these riches and probably even wish that they do not allow their wealth to make them stray from ethical behaviour but jealousy is completely useless and unwarranted. The same applies for those who feel jealous about some other group of people who have gained affluence. Just work, to get yourself/selves into a steady journey of making progress. Every step of the way is a great exciting one. Learn from those who are affluent even if they are a minority.

27-Equal with jealousy is the feeling of competition for leadership or a dominating position. This is the very opposite of the gift of human life where each has everything in the world for each, to make and try to make something good and interesting. Getting into fights on account of these types of clashes represent the very lowest of possible endeavours that a human being can do. Joining up into gangs that fight other gangs are all completely useless activities and a total waste of human skills and resources.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Rahul Gandhi-The Right Man for the Right Time (But kept away by Brahmin Fundamentalism, Crony Capitalism & Fake News)

 Imagine March 2020, when India announced a nationwide lockdown-with four hours notice. Imagine the Millions of people who would have been in the middle of important activities, journeys and the sudden halt of all transportation. People with jobs that paid on a daily basis and whose daily food depended on that income were suddenly jobless. 

The lockdown was as inhumanly announced and implemented as possible.

But, imagine, if there was a way that the most vulnerable sections of the population would have had a monthly salary coming their way during this sudden lockdown. They wouldn't have panicked and begun leaving their homes in the cities to reach their native villages where they would at least have something to eat and not need to pay rent.

It would have been possible if the Indian National Congress and Rahul Gandhi had won the election of 2019. One of the main promises in the manifesto of the INC under Rahul Gandhi was Universal Basic Income of Rupees 6000 every month. This would have covered the basic rent and food for a small family in any city of India.

If the INC had won in 2019, the Indian people would have not been thrown into the throes of uncertainty and the Indian economy would not have been left shattered, with many tens of thofusands of businesses having to shut down, and struggle to get back to the old flow of business, even two years later.

Rahul Gandhi had set out to study the country more than a decade earlier and had the right level of expertise needed to take a country such as India into the next level of expansion of growth and consolidation after having embarked into globalization in 1991.

The Brahmin-Fundamentalist Bharatiya Janata Party had on the other hand, set out to sow hatred around the year 1991 too. The final chapter or the penultimate chapter in that sowing and reaping of hatred occurred with the election of the person called Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister of India in 2014.

The BJP through its network of IT volunteers spread fake news and half-truths and quarter-histories to millions of gullible people through WhatsApp. There was an advertising blitz on Televisions and newspapers funded by many Indian corporates who sought complete control of the Government.

One of the main propaganda drives of this BrahminicState organisation was to depict Rahul Gandhi as a person who was not equipped to be a leader. This propaganda involved spreading fake news, doctored clips which sought to spread the impression that Rahul Gandhi was not smart or was not aware of facts.

This kind of propaganda was a very key strategy of BrahminFundamentalism which over the centuries had always spread propaganda about different historical characters as well as about different groups of people. BrahminFundamentalism was always distorting and inverting histories and always inventing new fantastic stories for the reengineering of Hindu cultures, Gods and fistories.

Today, in the year 2022, as India lies completely wrecked and derailed, Narendra Modi is enjoying the total power that he and his collaborators have seized by packing the judiciary and Election Commission with perverted individuals who would do anything against Truth and Morality because they subscribe to the Brahmin -Fundamentalist way of life which is about fully spreading untruth, concoctions and contortions to the populace.

The person who has all the knowledge and potential to retrieve India from this unholy and ungodly pit of inhuman brahmin fundamentalism is being mocked and made fun of, by many people who think that subjugation of minorities and propagation of falsehood is a good way to feel good in Life.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

The American way of life is over

 The American way of life involved having its way in all areas of the world, always having control over the 'dominant' mode in terms of being the right, correct and the only logical way to do things. This was much more than 'Might is Right.' It involved the dominant assumption that no other entity or approach or thinking was ever better or even legal. Everything that opposed it became and was illegal.

The American way of life led to many health issues for its citizens who were always so much happy that they became uncontrolled consumers. They had no other links to any previous civilisational knowledge because they were the new lot who were inventing and achieving a new way of life.

Was there any attempt to look at where the human knowledge came from, the knowledge that came from millennia of human existence? To want to be great is understandable but how do you explain the need to believe that you did not inherit any previous human knowledge, or even to rubbish it all.

All of the accumulated complexes were brought to an abrupt halt with the decision by Russia to take this idiocy head on.

The American way of life is over.

The citizens can begin living and existing as normal peoples.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

The wars of the world for resources are all wasteful now, and not required at all

 There was a time when there were wars fought over resources, in the years following the discovery of oil, with the more recent ones being the invasions of Iraq and the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. But, these days, though there is much talk about rare earth metals and all of the ingredients required for batteries, there is so much rapid change taking place that no resource can be said to be paramount or irreplaceable.

So, can Humanity settle down finally, to a peaceful era, with Information being the only resource that is essential and it is abundant, with more and more coming through, almost at exponential speed.

Here too, there seems to be a problem, with fake information starting to become a virus that impacts the final sweet showers of information that have been raining down for about a decade and more.

The creators and purveyors of fake news do so in order to get a controlling grip on the minds of the target audience.

So, now, we have people who look to grab people's minds and the people themselves as resources for themselves.

Why would someone want lots of people to become their resources?

Looks like now, there are people who want people and correspondingly lands under their control.

Who are the entities engaged in the spread of fake news?

It is the White supremacists of the USA and the Brahminic supremacists of India.

While White supremacy as was seen in action through American Foreign Policy has been brought to a total halt with Russia's repelling of its slow takeover of Ukraine, Brahminic supremacism seen in India is at the maximum-purveyance of Fake News in the form of WhatsApp videos being distributed on a hourly basis to Millions of innocent Hindus.

Pro-Western media are also spreading Fake news on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, feeding a torrent of fake news to the innocent people of the West, who had no idea of what this invasion was all about, and what were the series of actions by the West that brought about this war.

As the world moves towards an abundance of information, this proclivity to spread fake news by the supposedly-truthful western media and its amplification by the Western social media, and the Brahminic Fundamentalists of India pose the real and only obstacle to ushering in a world of abundant and everlasting information that will create the perfect world and the perfect outcome for the human species.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

In elections for Uttar Pradesh assembly, more people voted against BJP than for it, but BJP is winner

 In Dataganj,                 the BJP candidate got 1.06.000 votes -45%.

                                           SP candidate got 97,000 votes       -41%

                                            BSP candidate got 20,000 votes    -9%

In Rampur Maniharan, the BJP candidate got 89,000 votes   -38%

                                            BSP candidate got 68,000 votes   -30%

                                            RLD candidate got 65,000 votes   -28%

In Phulpur,                     the BJP candidate got 77,000 votes    -42%

                                            SP candidate got 700 votes less      -41%

                                            BSP candidate got 25,000 votes     -14%  

In Orai,                                BJP candidate got 1,16,000 votes  -48%

                                            SP candidate got      82,000  votes -34%

                                            BSP candidate got  34,000    votes -14%

In Nakur                            BJP candidate got 1,04,114 votes

                                            SP candidate got 1,03,799 votes

                                            BSP candidate got 55,000 votes   -20%

In Naraini,                     the BJP candidate got 83,000 votes    -39%

                                            SP candidate got  77,000 votes       -36%

                                            BSP candidate got 37,000 votes    -17% 

In Madhaugarh,             the BJP candidate got 1,05,000 votes -41%

                                            SP candidate got 63,000 votes        -25%

                                            BSP candidate got 70,000 votes        -28%